
Today’s pick is a fun country-rock supergroup; Franklin County Trucking Company.

Includes members of the Legendary Shack Shakers and the Supersuckers! As the group name implies, the album consists of trucking songs.

Let’s drive off into the 3 day weekend!

Literally out of nowhere this morning, Jeff Lynne has resurrected the ELO name and sound with a new album.

I don’t even have to listen to the whole thing to know this is epic and it is this week’s official Phriday Pick!!

Cherry Red / Rightous records recently released an excellent compilation of vintage / novelty records based around Halloween (Werewolves, Dracula, Zombies, Frankenstein’s Monster etc) , curated by Lux Interior and Poison Ivy from the always excellent psychobilly band The Cramps.

It flopped into my letter box earlier this month and has been a great (trick) or treat, getting plenty of repeated spins in Casa De Plencner.

Sadly, it doesn’t appear to be on Spotify, but I was able to piece together almost all the songs into a playlist for your enjoyment!!

Happy Halloween!!

Before Kim Shattuck succumbed to ALS, she worked hard with the rest of the Muffs to record one more album.

It’s out today, and on first listen its another inspiring slab of rock that will surely get a lot of repeat listens at Casa De Plencner.

There is also a recent great LA Times article that goes into the nitty gritty.

A new album from Bill Frisell, one of my all-time favorite jazz guitarists, is always reason for celebration.

The fact that the album also features the amazing Petra Haden on vocals is icing on an already delicious cake.

Did you know that Willie Nelson put out an a new album (“Ride Me Back Home”) in June? Did you also know that it’s awesome?

Did you also know that he’s been quietly releasing amazing albums like this consistently for the last decade (16 albums since 2009!) as well as throughout his whole career (RMBH is is 69th overall album!!!).

If you answered “No”, I’m here to catch you up with my “Modern Willie” playlist. 2 hours of my favorite Willie Nelson songs from 2009-Present.

Last night, I saw my all-time favorite band in DC: King Crimson! Here is something close to what they sounded like last night.

It’s Friday!

I refuse to believe summer is over, so let’s jam to this classic Kid Creole and the Coconuts album.

Originally called “Tropical Gangsters” this is probably my favorite album in their (mostly great) catalog.

“Hot cha cha cha!”